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Email [email protected] urgently I can stillstop it but not much time

England to be Nuked next

Only I can delay this, praying for time?

I AM going to use there own tyrannical laws to imprison them

Posh Tory boy loving pieces of shit
Meet me for a fight to the death anytime anyplace


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

656 videos

Category News & Politics

I am Jesus the Second Coming, God the Author of the Bible the Catholic Church have proof of this but hid it supressed me and killed me so I had no choice but to end them with what I prophesied to them at a papal mass on 1982, Chernobyl.

Isaiah 24 is just a few years away, few will be saved. Repent and ask for the Holy Spirit or my angels do not know you and I do not know you.

You can email me anytime while I am still here - [email protected]